5 Things You Shouldn’t Take For Granted in Your 20s

1. Your bitchiest friend.

Think of a movie and all the characters that are in it.  How boring would your life be if you only had a supporting cast of allies?  Having people in your life who you really can’t stand give your life flavor.  They remind you of who you don’t want to be and how not to act.  Your friend who has the high paying job and incessantly talks about how taxing the travelling is she has to do for it?  Yeah, don’t be that bitch.

2.  Your Ass.

Your ass is most likely never going to this good at any other point in your life.  One day you’re going wake up and unless you are religious with your squats, your ass is going to sag.  Yes, sag.  Sad, saggy ass.  If you don’t know what squats really are and what they can do for your ass, Google it.  Seriously.

3.  Your parents.

Now I know that this seems like a given… And you feel like you hear this all the time, but your parents are going to effing die.  Sooner rather than later, you are going to see your friends post status updates about staying in the hospital with their parents watching them battle an illness that will probably take their life.  You are going to have to help your friend pick out a black dress to wear to her mother’s funeral.  You are going to have to go through your dad’s closet with your brothers and sisters to pick out a tie to bury him in.  Your parents took care of you your whole life, you need to let them know you love them, You should probably text them right now.

4.  Your first “real job”

Whether you love it or you hate it–it is helping you build some personal worth.  I’m sure you have an amazing smile and some killer internship experience, but you don’t want to wake up at 30 and realize that your resume was better the day you graduated.  Now, what you define as a “real job” is up to you.  I, personally, define it as a job that I give at least one shit about losing.  If you give negative shits about a job, if you could walk in and quit without nearly any problems, I don’t consider that a “real job”.  When you are hating your real job, think about what it would be like to be sold into international sex trade, with no hope of detective Benson and Stabler finding you alive, then think about your job… It probably won’t seem so bad in an hour or two.

5.  Your alone time.

Real, true time that you have to yourself without distractions, TV, friends, lovers, family, work or pets.  If the closest you come to meditation is zoning out to the sound of your Sonicare toothbrush twice a day, you need to learn how to set aside 5 minutes that is free from worry, thought, or even excitement.  It’s tough, but give it a try.
