Adventures at BUKU

As some of you already know, I went to New Orleans last weekend for BUKU Arts + Music Project.  I would have liked to have posted earlier, but I fell ill upon my return… BUKU Deadmau5

First Day Outfit

Let’s start by saying, I did this trip grown-up style.  I rented a car for the weekend, I got a hotel room, I bought my ticket before I arrived at the festival grounds.  I also decided to go for a more generic hippie chic than my usual kandi kid style neons and LED accessories. So I will take you through my outfits and favorite sets. Day One I was determined to wear a floppy hat and a long cardigan.  I made that dream come true.  I think I went a little overboard on the spray tan, but hey, when in Rome, right?   I am very against mirror selfies but this was the only time I remembered to take a picture of my full outfit so please disregard my mirror selfie. Festival Outfits10150750_10203352876772305_1035754760_nimage (7)

Now pretty much everything I wore this day was from Forever 21 because I know they have festival attire and boho chic clothing that won’t break the bank (even though it almost did break mine). Where to get:




Cowboy boots are my own from Justin’s circa 7 years ago.

Cross body bag is a vintage Nine West.

Necklaces that I wore both days and pretty much wear every day

Shorts (similar)

Day One Sets

Bone Thugs N Harmony, Ellie Goulding, and Zedd are what I remember knocking my titties off on the first day.  Kaskade was solid, but I had seen him recently so I don’t feel like including him.  I particularly enjoyed when Bone Thugs started playing Biggie Smalls and yelled out to the crowd, “Let’s bring that fat motherfucker back to life!”  With 22 years as rap artists, they had a wealth of songs to share with us.

BUKU set list

A personal favorite from Bone Thugs

Ellie singing the repetitious but amazing Anything Can Happen

Singalong with Zedd

The Hammock

There was a large hammock near the back of the main stage with a gatekeeper named Winchester who decided who could and could not get on, apparently only 30 people at a time could be on the hammock and if person 31 attempted to walk on to the hammock, Winchester would immediately start yelling, “HEY! HEY!!! HEY!!!!” in a short, dismissive tone and then the  starry eyed gypsies that were happily skipping towards the relaxation promised land would shrug at him as if to say, “Please, I belong in there!”  After Winchester made it clear that they shall not pass, they would slowly retreat back to the crowds away from the safety of the magical hammock.  The irony was not lost on me that a man named Winchester was entrusted to protect a small piece of land much like the rifle he was named after.

My group at various points of the weekend made it on to the hammock due in part to our southern hospitality and our growing friendship with Winchester.  One particular time stands out due to a foursome in the middle of the hammock consisting of three girls (all in matching BUKU zip ups) and one guy (with a bandanna on his head) mauling each other while on what had to have been the most magical combination of drugs ever.

Two of the girls paired off and looked like sorority sisters who had just decided tonight that they were in love and were going to push their parts up against each other.  We watched them and the set that was on (I couldn’t tell you who was playing)  while the foursome in the middle got dangerously close to public sex.  At one point we noted that there group had the same number of people and girl to guy ratio that our group had, but our BUKU experience was drastically different.

Then, bandanna boy started yelling at the whole hammock claiming that someone had stolen his banana and his mango!  What the fuck!  This is serious shit!  His banana and his mango were gone!  My reaction was “Yeah right buddy.  You brought a mango in here… to quote an episode of Sex and the City, “A mango isn’t even a fruit you can bite into.”   The whole hammock laughed at Bandanna Banana Boy and about ten minutes later he stood up (as best you can stand up on a hammock) and screamed, “I found them!  Everyone calm down, I found the banana and the mango!” he held one fruit in each hand with his arms outstretched in a ‘Y’shape and exclaimed, “Buy local, buy organic!  It’s worth it!  Do it! Yes!”  Then the foursome frolicked off hand-in-hand and we all just sat there in bewilderment.  Then several people commented that the banana was most likely being used by the two girls.

 Day Two Outfit

This outfit I had a vague plan for that came together in the week before BUKU and I was very pleased with the outcome.  I even had my picture taken for a fashion blog this day and it is very easy to recreate and modify for different occasions (I think?  Did that sound good?  I’m not a fashion blogger so…)

Festival Fashion, Street Fashion, BUKU outfit, music festival,Headband

Shorts were the same as Day One


Necklaces same as Day One



Fanny Pack 

Day Two Sets

I have to say that my favorite sets that night were Glitch Mob and Tyler the Creator.

Tyler’s set was hilarious.  He insulted the crowd at every turn.  He was fresh off of starting a riot at SXSW so I’m sure he had a lot of emotions to get out.  Apparently, Tyler hates Jason Derulo and how he has YouTube videos of him screaming his own name, so before he left the stage, he made the whole crowd scream Jason Derulooooooooooo a few times. He repeated this command throughout the show.

Before a particularly bass heavy song Tyler instructed us to stand completely still and look at him like we hated him and then essentially have a seizure when the bass dropped,   “Okay you assholes, you pieces of shit. I want you EDM motherfuckers to stand there like you’re retarded and you fucking hate me, you EDM bitches.”

T’was great.  We were also standing in front of the VIP section where a girl who had worked the event just to see Tyler the Creator screamed during the entire set, “OMG I love you, I want to marry you!  Look at meeeeee!  Tyler, LOOK AT MEEEEEE!”  There’s no way she had a voice the next day.

We also sat at the Flaming Lips for about thirty minutes and their set was the most visually appealing I have ever seen.  It looked like the magical forest that I expect heaven to be and the lead singer looked like a sparkly willow tree standing on a mountain of glitter while glitter rained down.  He was glitter Jesus, it was amazing.

Glitch mob was just amazing in every sense of the word and if I hadn’t been so physically beaten down I would have seen them in Dallas when they played two days after BUKU. They put on an amazing show and I loved hearing their remixes of the TRON soundtrack.

We had some amazing brunches and fun on Bourbon as well, but I will have to either do a follow-up article of the places we went in NOLA as a part two since this article is already forever long.

Festivals are worth getting sick for a week and a half.